People in front of the Macy's store, New York
Shows and events


People watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade



游行是感恩节的主要活动,但你仍然有整个长周末去看看纽约其他顶级景点。因此,快拿上 Go 旅城通票自选包,可节省高达50%的景点综合门票,包括...

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Image of Adult, Female, Person, Woman, People, City, Male, Man, Crowd,



Image of People, Person, City, Glove, Urban, Shoe, Adult, Female, Woman, Walking, Hat, Road, Street, Handbag,




看台座位和街头位置可能很难买到,但如果你迅速行动,你可以通过沿途的酒店获得游行的VIP通道。有景观的酒店房间和VIP套餐的价格都很高;然而,一旦你看到这些独家套餐中所包含的内容,你就会发现这是值得的。一些套餐选择包括文华东方酒店、纽约中城希尔顿酒店的感恩节套餐、JW万豪酒店的自助午餐套餐或Parad-View客房套餐,以及Residence Inn Prime View套餐。请查看每个酒店的官方网站,了解今年套餐的具体情况。

Image of Person,


  • 确保您知道今年的游行路线(路线可能会有变化)。查看官方网站以获取完整的阵容,游行路线以及更多信息。
  • 推荐在中央公园西61街至72街之间作为观看游行的最佳地点。
  • 在Twitter上关注@Macys并查看所有社交媒体#macysParade以获取最新的游行更新,照片并加入讨论。
  • 如果您事先在纽约市或周边地区,那么您将有机会看到大型气球被充气的过程,请在游行前于周三晚上 3 点至 10 点前往第 77 街和第 81 街(中央公园西和哥伦布大道之间)进行观看。
  • 尽早去排队抢占有利位置(通常在早上6点左右!),穿上舒适的鞋子,因为你会站立一段时间,而且天气通常很冷记得穿上厚实的衣服。
  • 在到达之前,请确保您的手机和相机已充满电,因为在游行期间您将找不到充电的地方,千万别因为手机没电错过拍照的机会!
  • 在到达之前使用洗手间,游行路线上没有公共卫生设施。
  • 为您和您的亲人带上一些零食,以防附近没有售卖食物的店家。
  • 游行期间将会有大量的人群,并时刻关注您的孩子,以防走失!
  • 请注意,这次游行将导致游行路线上的许多景点关闭。将您的探索时间留给周五、周六和周日。
  • 如果您想在游行结束后在城里购物,请务必在梅西先驱广场的夹层停留,享受游客储蓄通行证 10% 的折扣。



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Image of City, People, Person, Road, Street, Urban, Shoe, Hat, Balloon, Car,



  • 梅西百货唱歌圣诞树合唱团
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使用 Go 旅城通票自选包,您可以享受许多热门景点高达 50% 的折扣 —— 这是获得最高性价比和灵活性的最佳选择。祝您享受游行和感恩节周末!

Secure a spot on the street

It's easy - and free! If you're an early bird, then get down to join the other spectators, who'd typically be lining the streets around 6 am or even earlier.

Dress for the weather (and wear comfortable shoes), bring food and drink, charge your phones, use the restroom before you arrive – there are no public facilities on the parade route –and stay put. Macy’s recommends between 61st and 72nd on Central Park West as the best place to watch Tom Turkey leading his way through Manhattan.

A lot of the performances happen around 34th Street, so know that location will have the most coveted spots and be the most difficult to get - along with spots at the beginning of the parade, 77th Street and Central Park West and where it ends at Macy's Herald Square in Midtown, on 34th.

If you're in or around NYC beforehand and want a chance to see the balloons for the floats being inflated, head to 77th and 81st streets (between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue) from 3-10 pm on Wednesday, before the parade.

Get Macy's Parade grandstand tickets

This one is for those with friends and family in the know - or even in the parade itself. Technically, Macy’s doesn’t sell grandstand tickets to the general public. But if you know any parade participants, or Macy’s employees and volunteers, you might be able to score a free ticket.

Book a hotel room with a view

Grandstand seating and street spots may be harder to come by, but if you act quickly, you can get VIP access to the parade through one of the hotels along the route. Hotel rooms with a view and VIP packages both come at a premium - but once you see what’s in these exclusive packages, you just may find it’s worth it.

Previously, some package options included the Mandarin Oriental, the New York Hilton Midtown’s Thanksgiving Packages, the JW Marriott’s Buffet Brunch Package or Parade-View Room Package, and the Residence Inn Prime View Package. Check out each hotel's official website for specifics on this year's packages.

Top tips for staying safe during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Musicians in the Macy's parade

👉Make sure you know this year's parade route (as it has changed in the past). Check out the official Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade site for the complete lineup, parade route, and much more info.

👉 Follow @Macys on X (Twitter) and check out all social media with the #macysparade hashtag to get the latest Parade updates, photos, and to join the conversation.

👉 Make sure your phones and cameras are fully charged before you arrive – you won't find a place to charge your tech during the parade and you won't want to miss out on photos!

👉 Use the restroom before you arrive – there are no public facilities on the parade route.

👉 Expect massive crowds, and be cautious with your children. Keep the family together at all times!

👉 Be aware that this parade will cause a lot of attraction closures along the parade route. Save exploring with your New York Pass for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

💸 Bonus: If you happen to want to do a little shopping while you're in the city after the parade, be sure to stop by the mezzanine level of Macy's Herald Square for a 10% off Visitor's Savings Pass.

Save up to 50% on New York attractions

Of course, we know the Macy's Day Parade in NYC is the main event on Thanksgiving, but you have a long weekend to see other top attractions in the city. Discover our full line-up, including The Empire State Building, Top of the Rock Observatory, the Statue of Liberty, and more. 

🤩 >> If you want to see and do as much as you can, our All-Inclusive Pass is for you.   

😎 >> If you want to pick just a few attractions and visit at your own pace, our Explorer Pass is the perfect option. 

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