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圣地亚哥动物园 vs 圣地亚哥野生动物园 - 哪个更适合你?




  • 乘坐一次观光导游巴士
  • 无限次搭乘袋鼠特快巴士
  • 乘坐一次空中有轨电车
  • 安排与动物园管理员全天对话交流
  • 精彩的展览和演出
  • 免费停车位


  • 乘坐野外观光车,跟随导游的解说,与自由漫步的动物们一起穿越非洲大草原
  • 享受全天候的动物表演,包括欣赏猎豹奔跑时的健美姿态,飞鸟的曼妙身姿,与大象饲养员交流,与驯兽员对话,更多精彩等你发现
  • 精彩的展览和演出

注意:野生动物园通票不包含停车费用,停车费每辆车大约12- 17美元。


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当你还在决定是去圣地亚哥动物园还是去野生动物园,或者两个都心动时,其实你只需要考虑路程问题,以及哪个动物园与你的圣地亚哥之旅最匹配。人们经常误以为圣地亚哥动物园和野生动物园距离很近,但事实上圣地亚哥野生动物园并不在巴尔波亚公园( Balboa Park)内部,还需要往圣地亚哥市中心向北开一段车程才能到达。但不用担心,即使野生动物园距离圣地亚哥有点远,但它仍包含在 Go 旅城通票内!




野生动物园位于埃斯孔迪多 ( Escondido ),距离圣地亚哥市中心北部约40–60分钟的车程。你可以搭乘公共交通前往公园,从圣地亚哥市中心出发单程需要大概2小时。如果准备自驾前往园区,别忘了预留停车费用哦。


Image of Animal, Wildlife, Bear, Mammal, Cow,




Image of Animal, Wildlife, Mammal, Kangaroo, Koala,

  • 来自世界各地的动物们:在这里你可以看到北极熊、熊猫、考拉、猿猴、大猩猩、企鹅、大象、长颈鹿、灰熊、河马、鸟类、各类爬行动物、狮子、斑马、老虎等等。
  • 动物栖息地:动物的栖息场地通常比野生动物园的要小,这样游客就能集中看到更丰富的动物活动。
  • 展区与景点:
    • 观光导游巴士:双层巴士带你游览整座动物园。
    • 熊猫峡谷:在熊猫展览区,动物园管理员将解答你的一切问题,与你谈论动物园的著名标志。
    • 北极风光与北极熊:那里是动物园北极熊的家,在那里你可以看到憨厚的北极熊在水下游泳,欣赏北极狐,驯鹿,鬃狼等等等等。
    • 大象展区:了解大象以及其他加州本土动物,包括大型鸟类,猎豹,狮子和猫鼬,的历史以及进化。
    • 失落森林:这里是老虎、河马、猴子、大猩猩的家园,还有斯克里普斯鸟苑和欧文鸟苑 ,在这里宛如身临真实的森林之中。
    • 都市丛林:来这里参观长颈鹿、袋鼠、考拉、火烈鸟、犀牛等等更多其他种类的动物。
    • 探索前哨:孩子们的乐园,孩子们可以在操场上尽情奔跑,在宠物动物园与可爱的动物互动,还可以学习观察许多爬行动物、昆虫和鸟类。
    • 高空缆车:乘坐缆车俯瞰整座展览,鸟瞰动物园和周围的巴尔波亚公园。
    • 夜间动物园:圣地亚哥动物园在夏季会延长闭园时间,在盛夏的夜晚享受音乐与更多活动吧。


Image of Animal, Zoo, Bench, Furniture, Grass, Nature, Outdoors, Park,
  • 干旱区域的动物:感受不一样的自然风光,欣赏犀牛、骆驼、猎豹、大猩猩、苍鹭、长颈鹿、狐猴、狮子、猫鼬、河猪、老虎、疣猪、野生牛、斑马、各类昆虫等等的自然活动。
  • 动物栖息地:这里的动物会有更大栖息场地,更多自由放养的围场,这样游客可以身临其境的在自然环境观察动物们。
  • 展区与景点:
    • 非洲有轨电车:乘坐有轨电车,在接下来的 20 – 30 分钟内你将看到许多不同种类的动物,长颈鹿、犀牛等等。
    • 象谷:参观公园的大象,还可以在圆形剧场听听讲座,相信在这之后你会对大象的护理、它们的生活活动有更深的了解。
    • 大猩猩展区:一览无垠地观察庞大而活力十足的大猩猩家族吧。
    • 狮子营地:狮子们在开放洞穴里互相嬉戏打闹。
    • 猎豹赛跑:游客们可以在这里观看到猎豹矫健的身姿,它们将奔跑330英尺,速度可以达到每小时70英里。
    • 老虎迷踪:沿着路线的指引穿过竹林,注意沿途观察发现栖息的苏门答腊虎。
    • 宠物动物园:孩子和大人都可以抚摸圈养的温顺山羊,还可以给它们刷毛哦。




  • 100英亩的动物展出区域
  • 超过 3700 只动物和 650 种种类


  • 1800英亩的动物保护区域
  • 超过 2600 只动物和 300 种种类



  • 别忽视了动物园里的植物。其实这个动物园也称得上是一座植物园。
  • 提前到园区,乘坐导游巴士,了解园区各个区域,并记下你感兴趣的展区,规划行程。
  • 穿上舒适的鞋子,带上水瓶,因为这将是长途跋涉的一天。
  • 想更多圣地亚哥动物园的参观建议?请点击链接了解更多信息。
  • 如果你是一个动物爱好者,正在考虑这家动物园与圣地亚哥地区其他大型动物公园的区别,我们还将圣地亚哥动物园与海洋世界进行了对比分析,以供你参考。


  • 带上双筒望远镜,这样可以观察到更远处的动物们。
  • 可以早点到园区乘坐电车,园区在上午11时至下午3时将迎来客流高峰。
  • 穿上舒适的鞋子,带上水瓶,因为这将是长途跋涉的一天。
  • 想更多圣地亚哥野生动物园的参观建议?点击圣地亚哥野生动物园参观指南了解更多.
  • 公园里的 Okavango Outpost 餐厅有一个独特的观景位置,在那里你可以看到漫步和进食长颈鹿。


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  • 非洲岩石——圣地亚哥动物园的新展区,非洲岩石包括六个新的栖息地,集中关注非洲动植物,这里有非洲企鹅,狒狒,狐猴等。
  • 动物行径:这种幕后体验让游客可以帮助喂养、训练和接触一些特殊的动物。
  • 内部参观:长达两个小时的教育体验,你将了解动物管理员如何照顾这些动物门。
  • 探索车之旅:耗时1小时的导游之旅,将覆盖园区70%的场地,重点介绍园区内所有的植物和动物。
  • 疯狂的大猫:在清晨游客将跟随导游来到大猫的幕后栖息区,了解每一只猫科动物,以及动物园是如何照顾它们,以及你在日常生活中如何帮助这个物种。
  • 清晨摄影探险:在动物园开放前,你可以享受一次专属的小型旅行车之旅,同时有机会为动物园的居民们拍摄独家特写照片。
  • 日出漫步:近距离或幕后参观动物园的特别区域,与饲养员交谈,具体是什么惊喜将在那等你呢?
  • 饲养员的一日:虽然价格昂贵,但机会难得,你将跟随饲养员体验饲养员的一天,体验他们的工作。


  • 非洲电车之旅——乘坐有顶棚的露天电车,在20-30分钟的导游引导下,穿过公园的非洲大草原,观赏在草原上漫步的动物。你会看到长颈鹿、犀牛、开普水牛、鸵鸟、瞪羚、羚羊等等,有些动物甚至会直接光临电车,你将与动物们来一场亲密接触。
  • 象谷——在公园圆形剧场的教育讲座和演示中学习所有关于大象护理的知识。
  • 大猩猩展览——近距离观察活跃的大猩猩家庭,观察他们的互动——特别提示:这是公园里最受欢迎的展览之一。然你还可以在大猩猩活动中心与一只成年雄性大猩猩来一场特殊比试。
  • 狮子营地——在33000平方英尺的狮子营地里,窥视狮子的巢穴,观看威风凛凛的狮子们奔跑。
  • 老虎迷踪——这条蜿蜒的小径将带领你穿过竹林,沿途你会看到苏门答腊虎。这里还有一个水下观景点,在那里你还可以看这些大猫们游泳纳凉。
  • 徒步澳大利亚——这条偏僻的道路被桉树遮蔽,沿途鲜红的瓶刷花在微风中飘动。沿着袋鼠的路径走,穿梭在袋鼠、小袋鼠、食火鸡等动物之间。


Image of Text, Advertisement, Poster, Animal, Antelope, Mammal,





Go 旅城通票包括内容

圣地亚哥动物园门票圣地亚哥野生动物园门票都包含在 Go 旅城通票圣地亚哥通票中。这代表你可以用一个价格参观两个公园,这意味着你将节省在两个动物园售票处分别付款的费用。如果你喜欢动物,想了解它们生活的环境,那么使用你的通票,你一定会享受这两个动物园带来的两种体验。

使用 Go 旅城通票前往圣地亚哥,您可以自由选择自景点来节省一系列的门票费用,包括圣地亚哥动物园、圣地亚哥野生动物园、乐高乐园®加州、海洋世界TM圣地亚哥、中途岛博物馆、主题公园、港口游轮、自行车租赁游览等等。

Location and getting there

Pass from Go City

Sometimes when deciding whether to visit the San Diego Zoo vs the Safari Park, or both, it just comes down to logistics and what fits best with your Diego sightseeing itinerary.

One common misconception is that the Safari Park is near San Diego Zoo; on the contrary the Safari Park is not in Balboa Park but is actually a decent drive north of downtown San Diego.

San Diego Zoo vs Safari Park

📍 San Diego Zoo location

Centrally located right in Balboa Park near downtown San Diego, the San Diego Zoo is very easy to get to by car, bike, walking or public transportation. While driving in downtown San Diego can be challenging, remember that parking is free at the zoo. It's also located near lots of other Balboa Park museums & attractions that are included on a pass so you can check off some other attractions while you're in the area.

📍 San Diego Zoo Safari Park location

The San Diego Zoo Safari Park is located in Escondido, which is about a 40-60 minute drive north of downtown San Diego. Taking public transportation to the Safari Park is possible but it would likely be at least 2 hours each way from downtown San Diego. Plan on taking a car and be sure to factor in the extra cost of parking. Prices start at $20 for cars.

What's included with general admission?

San Dieego Zoo vs Safari Park

San Diego Zoo general admission includes:

🚌 Unlimited use of the Guided Bus Tour
🚎 Unlimited use of the Kangaroo Express Bus
🚠 Unlimited use of the Skyfari Aerial Tram
👩🏻‍🌾 Scheduled Zookeeper talks throughout the day
🦜 General admission exhibits and shows
🚘 Free parking

San Diego Zoo Safari Park admission includes:

🚌 Unlimited use of the Africa Tram.
👩🏻‍🌾 Scheduled animal shows throughout the day.
🦜 General admission exhibits and shows.

What animals do they have?

 San Diego Zoo and Safari Park comparison

San Diego Zoo

🐾  Animals from all over the world: polar bears, koalas, apes, gorillas, penguins, elephants, giraffes, grizzly bears, hippos, birds, reptiles, lions, zebras, tigers, and more.

🐾  Animal habitats: animal enclosures are generally smaller than those at the Safari Park to ensure that visitors see lots of animal activity.

🐾 Top exhibits & attractions:

  • Guided bus tour: narrated double-decker bus tour of the entire zoo.
  • Northern Frontier: home of the zoo's polar bears, where you can get a unique underwater view of the playful bears, see snow white foxes, caribou, maned wolves, and more.
  • Elephant Odyssey: see lots of elephants and other California-native animals of the past and present, including large birds, cheetahs, lions, and meerkats, among others.
  • Lost Forest: home to tigers, hippos, monkey's gorillas and Scripps Aviary, this is one of the livelier exhibits.
  • Skyfari® Aerial Tram: take a ride over the exhibits for an aerial view of the zoo and surrounding Balboa Park.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park

🐾  Animals from Arid Environments: these animals include rhinos, camels, cheetahs, gorillas, herons, giraffes, lemurs, lions, meerkats, river hogs, tigers, warthogs, wild cattle, zebras, insects, and more.

🐾  Animal habitats: animal enclosures are generally larger with more free-range enclosures so that visitors can see animals in more natural settings.

🐾 Top exhibits & attractions:

  • Africa Tram: take a 20-30 minute ride on the covered, open-air tram to see lots of animals, including giraffes, rhinos, and more.
  • Elephant viewing: visit the park's elephants and catch an educational talk at the amphitheater to learn about elephant care.
  • Gorilla Forrest: get an unobstructed view of the large and active gorilla family.
  • Lion Camp: see lions interact and play in their open space den.
  • Tiger Trail: follow the guided trail through the bamboo forest and see several Sumatran tigers along the way.

Comparing the Park Sizes

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo

🌿 100 acres of animal exhibits
🐨 Over 3,700 animals and more than 650 species

San Diego Zoo Safari Park

🌿 1,800 acres of wildlife sanctuary
🐯 Over 2,600 animals and more than 300 species

We won't lie, you'll be walking a lot at both parks. The San Diego Zoo provides a convenient hop-on hop-off bus that takes visitors around to each area of the park and the Safari Park is significantly bigger, so one to think about if you're not up for much walking. 

Insider tips for visiting San Diego Zoo and Safari Park

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo tips

🌺 Check out the plant life there too. Little known fact: the zoo also qualifies as a botanical garden.

🚌 Get there early and do the included Guided Bus Tour first to make a note of the exhibits you want to plan your day around.

👟 Wear comfortable footwear, pack a water bottle, and plan to do a lot of walking.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park tips

🔎 Bring binoculars, if you have them. Because the animals are in more open, natural settings, sometimes they're hanging out a considerable distance away from the viewing areas.

🚎 Get there early and do the Africa Tram ride when you first arrive. Wait times tend to increase throughout the day and are busiest around lunchtime.

👟 Wear comfortable footwear, pack a water bottle, and plan to do a lot of walking.

🦒 Don't miss Okavango Outpost restaurant, it has a unique vantage point where you can see the giraffes roam and be fed.

In summary – the biggest differences between the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park

San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are surprisingly very different and have lots of different experiences to offer.

San Diego Zoo: home to a larger variety and quantity of animals, and the guided tour bus and aerial tram ride are included. The park itself is considered a historic San Diego icon, located in downtown San Diego in Balboa Park.  The zoo is close to lots of other popular San Diego attractions and offers free parking to visitors, and is easily accessible on public transport. 

San Diego Zoo Safari Park: features a more specific focus on animals from arid environments. It's a larger park in size which requires more walking between exhibits, but a guided safari-like ride is included. It's located a 45-60 minute drive outside of San Diego and is harder to reach by public transport. 

So there you have it, all you need to know about the differences between the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park!

Can't choose? No need, see it all with Go City®

With an All-Inclusive Pass from Go City, you can visit both attractions for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you could save up to 50% on all your San Diego must-sees. Or pick an Explorer Pass, if you've chosen your fave and have a specific bucket list you're dreaming of ticking off. 

☀️Compare San Diego passes☀️ – 🌏 Explore other destinations 🌏 –  ✈️ Buy a pass ✈️

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