纽约研学旅行 —— 热门景点活动

Yujia Wan


  • 随上随下大巴士纽约之旅
  • 美国自然历史博物馆
  • 古根海姆博物馆
  • 自由女神像和埃利斯岛博物馆
  • 9/11 国家纪念博物馆


对于计划去纽约市旅行的家长和老师来说,预算肯定是一个重大问题。幸运的是,Go 旅城通票自选包是学校团体的绝佳选择。与在售票处付款相比,可节省高达50%的综合入场费。查看所有景点,通票和价格 - 了解更多信息


Image of City, Urban, Road, Street, Plant, Potted Plant, Neighborhood, Jar, Planter, Pottery, Vase, Downtown, Metropolis, Cityscape, Person, Bus, Vehicle,

如果学校旅行希望学生能更加了解纽约文化和建筑多样性,那么巴士旅游是非常直接方便的方式。像这样的随上随下的自由度可以让学生在各景点之间随意穿梭(特别是一些大的景点,如博物馆),但如果您选择和整个团队留在车上,也可以听听车上提供丰富纽约信息以此认识纽约。根据您的团队计划,选择上城区或下城区的巴士路线。上门票:纽约大巴车票可凭 Go 旅城通票自选包获得。


Image of Person,

图片来源: 美国自然历史博物馆

纽约市最好的教育景点之一是美国自然历史博物馆。实际上,几乎大三州地区的每个学生都曾来过这里进行实地考察! 这里有特别展览和超过3400万件的藏品,还有米尔斯坦家庭海洋生物馆和大卫-H-科赫恐龙馆。博物馆还为班级旅行计划提供特殊服务,包括专门导游讲解等等。门票:美国自然历史博物馆门票可通过 Go 旅城通票自选包获得。


Image of House, Housing, Staircase, Window, Skylight, Hot Tub,

古根海姆博物馆是一个建筑奇迹,这里有近代史上一些最具代表性的艺术作品,承担着文化中心和教育机构的双重职责。古根海姆博物馆的藏品不断变化,但都是以一组早期现代杰作为基础的,它致力于展示20世纪及以后的艺术。你还会发现这儿很关注对各年龄段孩子的教育,包括免费语音导览等等。请注意,12岁以下的儿童可以免费进入古根海姆博物馆;对于陪护者或年龄稍大的团体来说,Go 旅城通票可以帮助预算。门票:古根海姆博物馆门票可通过 Go 旅城通票自选包获得。


Image of Art, Sculpture, Statue, Landmark, Statue of Liberty, Boat,

另一个美国实地考察的顶级景点——自由女神像,她是所有年龄段学校团体的完美选择。自由女神是美国文化的一个标志,是对美国历史单元的一个理想补充。同样,埃利斯岛移民博物馆也是那些希望深入了解移民历史的人的必到之处。此外,好消息是自由女神像和埃利斯岛博物馆的门票都是免费的! 可以用你的 Go 旅城通票来支付渡轮旅行的费用。门票:自由女神像渡轮船票可通过 Go 旅城通票自选包获得。

9/11 国家纪念博物馆

Image of Indoors, Museum, Person, Adult, Male, Man,

整个城市中最重要和最感人的实地考察目的地之一是9/11纪念馆 & 博物馆。学生们将了解2001年和1993年发生的悲惨事件,看到废墟中的文物,欣赏由悲剧启发的艺术作品等等。博物馆外观也因人工瀑布和双倒影池而格外引人注目。请注意,由于该博物馆内容的敏感性,它更适合初中或高中的实地旅行。门票:9/11 纪念馆和博物馆门票可通过 Go 旅城通票自选包获得。


因此,如果您计划为学生或孩子来一场实地考察之旅,您将需要考虑这些门票价格等等预算问题。请领取 Go 旅城通票自选包,来节省高达50%的纽约市学校旅行热门景点门票费用。我们还为大型团体购票提供折扣,这对学校旅行是一个不错的选择!




您知道使用自选包能节省高达 43% 的门票开支吗? 如果没有购买我们的通票参观以下的 5 个景点,您将花费 279.09 美元。但是购买自选包,您只需花费 159 美元。  总共节省了 120.09 美元 继续往下阅读以获得纽约市的一些旅游灵感,并了解如何从我们的自选包中获得最大价值。 第1个景点:帝国大厦 有什么地方比在世界上最著名的摩天大楼顶端更能领略纽约的精髓呢?前往观景台重温完美的《西雅图不眠时刻》的经典画面之前,请一定要花一些时间仔细参观帝国大厦的室内画廊,这些画廊记录了这个标志性地标的历史和文化意义。 正常票价:51.17 美元 第2个景点:纽约随上随下观光巴士: 一日票 或许很少人会描述乘搭公共交通是种令人愉快的体验吧?避开拥挤的地铁,在观光巴士之旅中获得舒适。有两条路线可供选择,轻松地前往纽约市所有必看景点,包括时代广场、华尔街、小意大利和 苏豪区。随心所欲地上下车,或者只是坐下来收听他们的语音解说——这是了解纽约市的好方法! 正常票价:80 美元 第3个景点:Edge 观景台 应该没有人会真的厌倦从高处俯瞰曼哈顿吧?但是,如果您想让您的摩天大楼体验更加精彩,Edge 可能是您的不二之选。前往第 100 层,从倾斜的玻璃墙欣赏这些美景。站在观景台的边缘,您还可以在玻璃甲板上漫步来测试您的眩晕程度。 正常票价:50.08 美元 第4个选择:中央公园观光骑行之旅 我们不知道您是否听说过,但中央公园很大。所以骑自行车绝对是探索它的好选择。更好的是,通过这趟 Unlimited Biking 的自行车之旅,您不仅会在公园最著名的景点停留,还会从当地导游那里了解公园的所有历史。您将参观的著名景点包括草莓园、丽城城堡和莎士比亚花园。 正常票价:56.84 美元 第5个选择:Circle Line — 纽约最佳游船观光之旅 在纽约市最佳游轮上,您可以在水上近距离观察自由女神以及许多其他著名地标。当您即将经过另一个不容错过的景色时,船上的导游会提醒您,这样您就可以坐下来轻松地欣赏景点。 正常票价:41 美元 通过使用自选包,游览这 5 个景点,您将节省 43% 的观光费用。那么,您还在等什么?是时候开始计划纽约的冒险了! 我们通过将 Go 旅城通票 价格与示例行程中每个景点的正常票价进行比较来计算节省的费用。正常票价的最后更新时间是2023年4月1日。
Katie Waller
Times Square


参观灯火辉煌的时代广场,欣赏纽约市的商业文化中心。从街头表演者、抗议者到适合全家庭的餐馆和旅游景点,这里包罗万象。这里将让您的整个假期充实无比! 如果您想在纽约旅行期间在时代广场和附近的街区找点有意思的事情做,请查看我们列出的当地最佳活动和景点列表,包括...... 大巴观光旅游 纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆 国家地理邂逅:海洋奥德赛 信不信由你博物馆!纽约时代广场 格列佛之门 THE RIDE观光车 还有更多惊喜等你发现! 城市大巴观光旅游 在这个超级方便和有趣的巴士之旅中探索曼哈顿!您可以边听风趣幽默的解说,了解您正在开车经过的景点,一边放松身心、欣赏美景。然后,在任何引起您兴趣的地方随时自由下车。您将在这次巴士之旅中看到纽约的主要地标包括时代广场、麦迪逊广场花园、帝国大厦、唐人街、百老汇剧院区等等。大巴之旅的另一个有趣的服务是2小时的夜间游览,为您展示城市的五光十色。 门票:纽约巴士之旅门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆 这个蜡像景点以其惊人的艺术性和来自各个领域的名人复制而闻名于世。您将有机会在这个独特的景点“结识”流行文化偶像、重要历史人物再到虚构人物等等。卡戴珊的粉丝们会热衷于与卡戴珊家族合影,或者如果您喜欢乡村音乐,请寻找泰勒·斯威夫特Taylor Swift的蜡像! 门票:纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 国家地理:邂逅海洋奥德赛 你将仿佛置身深海一样,身临其境来一场海洋体验,与太平洋上一些最迷人、令人惊叹的居民进行亲密(数字)互动。您还将看到巨型乌贼、大白鲨、座头鲸等等海洋生物。 首先,您将享受90分钟的“水下”跋涉,在那里您将感受与60,000平方英尺的数字显示屏带来的震撼,该显示屏将您带到直达海洋中心,那里有许多神秘的海洋生物。此外,还有一个“水上”展厅,其展品为您展示这些海洋动物本身的信息。 门票:国家地理:邂逅海洋奥德赛门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 信不信由你博物馆!纽约时代广场 在这个奇异的景点探索罗伯特·里普利狂野而怪异的世界。在数十个展区里有数百件文物和物品,从萎缩头骨到白化动物,再到纽约市区微型复制品,应有尽有。孩子们将会特别喜欢Ripley's Relic展览,这有一系列谜语和难题等着你,一起揭开那些遗物的奥秘吧。 门票:信不信由你博物馆!门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 格列佛之门 在纽约市光临小人国,探索格列佛之门迷人的微型世界!这个景点以《格列佛游记》中的角色人物命名,将您成为巨人,调查世界各地的城市和地标建筑的微小模型。 欣赏纽约自由女神像,以及吉萨大金字塔,莫斯科的洋葱圆顶建筑等等。这些令人惊叹的微小作品由出自世界各地的艺术家之手,汇集在此展览中。这是时代广场必看的景点! 门票:格列佛之门门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 伍德伯里购物之旅 从时代广场出发,前往伍德伯里名牌折扣店,在那里您可以以远低于纽约市的价格购买充满纽约市风格的商品。这里有各种大牌,如巴宝莉,蔻驰,普拉达,耐克,拉科斯特,等等。快来这里购物吧! 门票:伍德伯里购物班车和VIP优惠券预订可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 纽约时代广场周边景点峭石之巅峭石之巅观景台 参观峭石之巅,从独特视角观看纽约市,这里享有世界上最迷人的城市之一的全景风光,是所有前往纽约市游客的必游之地。这座华丽的艺术摩天大楼本身也值得一游,内部装修精美,如果你是一个建筑爱好者,那这里太适合你了。 进入:峭石之巅门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 洛克菲勒中心之旅 洛克菲勒中心在第五大道和第六大道之间,这里有19座商业建筑。来这里探索洛克菲勒中心的溜冰场(冬季)、无线电城音乐厅、峭石之巅、康卡斯特大厦等。在这个曼哈顿中城紧凑但精致的小角落你能了解到许多纽约市的文化。 门票:洛克菲勒中心之旅门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 无线电城舞台门之旅 戏剧迷们,欢欣鼓舞!现在是您进入美国最著名的剧院之一幕后的机会。通过75分钟的无线电城舞台门之旅®,您将深入了解舞台,探索是什么让这里成为如此重要的文化地点。您甚至有机会与举世闻名的踢踏舞演员合影! 门票:无线电城舞台门之旅门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 现代艺术博物馆 在一个拥有如此众多优秀艺术博物馆的城市中脱颖而出的当属现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)。 这里收藏了大量的当代艺术品,从世界知名艺术家到崭露头角的新兴艺术,这里应有尽有,快来获得艺术灵感吧。 门票:现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里进行购买。 THE RIDE观光车 如果您正在寻找一种独特的纽约市旅方式,那么THE RIDE就是您的最佳选择。它用全新的、互动式方法让游客摆脱拥挤的人群和天气的变数。人们将坐在一辆拥有最先进音频和视频设备的客车里,通过满幅的玻璃窗,欣赏曼哈顿无与伦比的街景,中央车站,纽约公共图书馆,中央公园等等。沿途的75分钟里,乘客们可以欣赏5-7场由专业歌手、舞者与喜剧演员带来的现场表演,还可以在VR设备、主持人专业的讲解中,了解纽约丰富的历史与文化。 上车:THE RIDE纽约之旅门票可在 Go 旅城通票官网自选包里购买。另一个有趣的游玩选择是THE TOUR,这也将包含在您的自选包候选项目中! 时代广场景点优惠 Go 旅城通票自选包里有许多纽约市顶级景点和活动以及更多门票选择,帮助您节省高达50%的总门票费。想查看所有可用的通票,景点和价格? —— 点击了解更多。 @ Go 旅城通票官方微博或小红书,添加标签 # Go 旅城通票把您的假日快照分享给更多小伙伴。 喜欢这篇文章?把它分享给更多朋友! What to do in Times Square Big Bus 1-Day Downtown & Uptown Hop-on Hop-off Tour Exploring New York - with its five boroughs and epic attractions, can be daunting - but Big Bus make it easy peasy. Explore uptown and downtown Manhattan on this super convenient and fun bus tour. You can relax while listening to informative narration and learning about the sites you're driving past, then hop off at any place that piques your interest. Major landmarks and neighborhoods you’ll see on this bus tour include all the big hitters: Times Square, Madison Square Garden, the Empire State Building, Chinatown, the Broadway Theatre District, and much more. Another fun option from Big Bus is the 2-hour nighttime tour, which showcases the city after dark. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes.   Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour See the bright lights of Broadway and Times Square on this glittering tour. Over an hour and 45 minutes, you'll be taken around the key theatrical sights and history of the area by an experienced actor and director (who you will find carrying an orange flag). They'll take you behind the velvet rope, and spill the tea on the local showbiz gossip, trivia, and history. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes. Madame Tussauds + MARVEL Universe 4D Are you ready to step into a world of glamour and fame? Look no further than Madame Tussauds New York, the ultimate celebrity experience in the heart of Times Square. This world-renowned wax museum offers visitors over 200 lifelike replicas of some of the most famous people in history. But it's not just about posing for selfies with your favorite stars - this museum takes things to the next level with its interactive exhibits. Ever wanted to fly alongside Iron Man or battle villains with Spider-Man? Now you can, thanks to Madame Tussauds' thrilling virtual reality experiences. Sports fans won't be disappointed either - challenge NBA star Carmelo Anthony to a game of basketball or practice your boxing moves with Muhammad Ali. And don't miss out on the chance to sing your heart out with Taylor Swift or dance alongside Michael Jackson. But Madame Tussauds New York isn't just about celebrities - it also celebrates the spirit of New York City itself, and showcases iconic figures from the city's rich history, including Alexander Hamilton and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Learn about their incredible lives while getting up close and personal with their incredibly detailed wax figures. 👉 Don't miss: their New York-specific experiences and exhibits. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes. Take the Woodbury Common Bus Tour Depart from Times Square and head out to the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, a place where you can find New York City style for much less than New York City prices. Shop major label stores like Burberry, Coach, Prada, NIKE, Lacoste, and many more with your VIP coupon booklet in hand for even more potential savings. Your admission includes round-trip transportation and several hours to shop at your leisure. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is only available on the Go City® New York Explorer pass. Food and entertainment in Times Square  Live music adds to the Times Square atmosphere. You'll see many talented musicians playing their instruments throughout the day, along with street performers doing stunts or dancing routines. There are usually several stages set up throughout the square where bands will play for passersby to enjoy while they explore the city sights nearby. In addition to the live music and theater shows, Times Square also offers exciting interactive experiences such as virtual reality (VR) arcades - some of which also offer multiplayer games, giving players the chance to compete against each other or work together to complete virtual challenges. It's a great way for friends and family to bond over something fun and unique. Feeling brave? Many restaurants have open mic nights so visitors can try out their own musical skills! We hear those places serve food as well... check out Times Square's official website for tips on where to eat. Things to do near Times Square Top of the Rock Observatory Discover unparalleled 360-degree views of the New York City skyline from one of its most iconic buildings at the Top of the Rock observation deck -  a photographer's paradise and an absolute must-see. Located at the top of 30 Rockefeller Plaza in the Rockefeller Center, Top of the Rock offers visitors an unforgettable experience from the moment they step into its stylish lobby. The building itself is a piece of history, constructed during the Great Depression as a symbol of hope and prosperity for all Americans. Its intricate motifs and stunning murals serve as a reminder of that era's elegance and sophistication. From the observation deck, enjoy breathtaking views of Central Park, the Empire State Building, and Lady Liberty - all captured from three different viewing decks set on some of New York City's highest levels. Top of the Rock has earned high praise from locals and tourists alike for its unique perspective on the city. Here, you can escape from the hustle and bustle down below, and look out over what feels like the center of the world. So whether you're looking to capture stunning photographs or just want to experience one-of-a-kind views of New York City's skyline, Top of The Rock near Times Square is an ideal destination for anyone looking for something truly special. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes. Rockefeller Center Tour Featuring 19 commercial buildings in the area between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Rockefeller Center is home to major landmarks. Explore the Rink at Rockefeller Center (popular for skating in winter), Radio City Music Hall, Top of the Rock, the Comcast Building, and more. A tour of this compact but diverse little corner of midtown Manhattan is a chance to learn a little bit more about NYC culture. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes. Radio City Stage Door Tour® Theater buffs, rejoice! Now is your chance to go behind the scenes at one of America’s most famous theaters. With the comprehensive, 75-minute Radio City Stage Door Tour®, you’ll get in-depth looks at major areas and special objects. Discover what makes this amazing place such an important cultural destination. You’ll even get to take a photo with a world-famous Rockette! 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) In a city with so many stellar art museums, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. The Museum of Modern Art (or MoMA), however, does just that. Their vast collections of modern and contemporary art showcase everything. See art from the best of world-famous artists to the newest offerings of up-and-comers. Come here to be inspired. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes. THE RIDE If you’re looking for a unique tour of NYC, look no further than THE RIDE. It's a delightfully interactive experience that feels more like a theatrical performance than a simple sightseeing tour. This 75-minute excursion is hosted by two professional comedians who will escort you past the city’s top sites. See landmarks like Grand Central Terminal, the New York Public Library, Central Park, and of course, Times Square itself. 🎟️ Getting in: Admission is available on all Go City® New York passes - but you'll need to book in advance. See the best of Times Square and New York Discover our full line-up of New York attractions including The Empire State Building, Top of the Rock Observatory, the Statue of Liberty, and more.   🤩 >> If you want to see and do as much as you can, our All-Inclusive Pass is for you.     😎 >> If you want to pick just a few attractions and visit at your own pace, our Explorer Pass is the perfect option.  Share your adventure with us  Tag @GoCity in your vacation photos and we’ll feature you on our page. Follow the Go City Instagram and Facebook channels for exclusive competitions, special offers, and events to help you make the most of your travels. 
Yujia Wan



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