纽约家庭度假攻略 —— 景点、活动和要做的事

Yujia Wan



  • 帝国大厦
  • 大巴士纽约观光旅游
  • 自由女神像和埃利斯岛
  • 美国自然历史博物馆
  • 无畏号海、空和太空博物馆
  • 洋基体育场之旅
  • 快船城高船帆船
  • 中央公园
  • 还有更多精彩!


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Image of Adult, Male, Man, Person, Bus, Vehicle, Car, Backpack, Female, Woman, Dining Table, City, Metropolis, Urban,

对于第一次来的游客来说,乘坐大巴士游览是适应这座城市的好方法。它们也是家庭的理想旅游方式选择,因为大巴会对你将经过的所有景点和地标提供引人入胜的解说。选择像大巴这样的 "随上随下"选项,可以最大限度地提高你的灵活性。



Image of Art, Boat, Vehicle, Person, Airplane,




Image of Indoors, Museum, Animal, Elephant, Mammal, Wildlife, Person,




Image of Glove, Hospital, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Glasses, Female, Woman, Child, Girl, Box, Boy, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, People,


纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆也有一些你在其他地方找不到的特别展览,如 "金刚:骷髅岛 "和 "捉鬼敢死队体验"。


Image of Indoors, Museum, Person, Shoe, Handbag,



无畏号海、空 & 太空博物馆

Image of Military, Ship, Vehicle, Boat, Navy, Battleship,

另一个受家庭欢迎的景点是无畏号海、空 & 太空博物馆。这个综合机构专注于三个领域,而且他们做得特别好。

在这个神奇的地方,你可以了解到美国海上、空中和太空旅行的所有历史。它既有教育性又有娱乐性,非常适合所有年龄段的游客。现在,你的通票还包括航天飞机馆的门票,那里有企业号 —— 一艘开创了美国宇航局早期太空飞行项目的船只。


Image of Person, Walking, College, Shoe, Handbag,





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Image of Vegetation, Path, Grove, Land, Nature, Outdoors, Tree, Woodland, Canal, Water, Grass, Park, Female, Girl, Person, Teen, Summer, Bicycle, Vehicle, Towpath, People, Wheel, Shorts,

当然,在访问纽约时,你不能不在她的心脏 —— 中央公园花上一些时间。作为世界上最著名的公园之一,中央公园为游客提供了大量的活动,无论你是想像当地人一样休息,还是参加徒步旅行,或者租一辆自行车,用两个轮子探索这片广阔的土地。



Image of Urban, City, Person, Road, Metropolis, Light, Traffic Light, Car, Vehicle, Street, Bus,




本攻略为您即将到来的纽约市家庭度假提供了一些景点和活动的建议。这些家庭友好型景点的常规门票可以在 Go 旅城通票上获得。你可以从最受欢迎的或者最感兴趣的景点中选择,比起在门口付款可以节省综合门票费用。




逛市集可以说是深入了解当地文化的最好方式之一,它提供了奇妙的感官学习体验。无论您是想浏览当地手工艺品的摊位、参观古董区,还是为您的亲人挑选一些独特的纪念品您都可以在这里找到。从跳蚤市场到食品和饮料市集,这里汇集了一些游客最喜欢去的地方清单。往下阅读吧! 细品这座城市 吃货们注意了!如果您喜爱品尝美味的甜点和当地采购的蜂蜜,那么联合广场农夫市集或许就是您的最佳选择。这种有趣的文化体验每周将举办四次,以售卖各种有机蔬菜、传统肉类和手工奶酪而闻名。这里还会举办各项活动,包括美食书展、烹饪演示,还能品尝美食! 说到户外食品市集,没有比斯莫加斯堡市集更好的了。这个地方吸引了成千上万的人到访布鲁克林和曼哈顿,被公认为“美食界的伍德斯托克”。您可在这里品尝到100多家不同提供的各种美味及独特的美食。细品这座城市的同时还可以欣赏东河滨水区的美景。嘿,怎么能不喜爱呢? 埃塞克斯街市集是纽约最古老的市集之一,可追溯至1818年,也是该市最受欢迎的美食场所之一,下东区的支柱。寻找终极美食体验的人会喜欢埃塞克斯街市集美味的冰淇淋、新鲜手工意大利面和日本便当。您可以在这个城市的美食市集尽情享用下午茶。 游览摊档 正在寻找古董家具或时髦的复古外套?Grand Bazaar跳蚤市场全年每周日开放,以提供种类繁多、独一无二、稀有及限量版商品而闻名。浏览同时,游客可以边享用刚出炉的热腊肠、美味的海盐核仁巧克力饼,或啜饮冷饮。这里会举行一些有趣的活动,包括 "纽约制造"、"手工制作集市 "和 "大古董集市"。最重要的是,部分收益将捐赠于当地的公立学校。 您可以逛一逛布鲁克林跳蚤市场度过悠闲的周六下午。这里全年周末营业,以售卖古董家居用品、收藏品、手工制品和原创艺术品而闻名。游客在购物的同时,可以享用新鲜美味的食物和饮料。由于这里有太多值得参观和体验的地方,我们建议预留一天的时间在这里闲逛。这里充满了波西米亚的氛围,商品价格也公道。 坚尼街市集位于唐人街,这里提供激动人心的独特体验。您可以浏览美容、服装和设计产品的摊位。在美食区,您可以尽情享用热乎乎的拉面,啜饮波巴奶茶,购买您所需的商品。绝对不要错过这里的特别活动,包括现场音乐表演、喜剧表演和快闪店活动。 沉浸与氛围之中 位于肉类加工区的切尔西市集融合了美食、艺术和文化,这里非常适合与朋友共度时光,并享受美味佳肴。这里汇集了高端美食广场,里面有餐馆、摊贩和商店,售卖世界各地的美食。除了诱人的美食外,市集还有许多很棒的商店和摊位。您还可以品尝葡萄酒,制作美丽的鲜花,或沉浸在Artechouse数码艺术展里。 城市中最好的市集给人们带来无限的惊喜。阿斯托利亚市集是游客最喜欢的地方之,虽然离市中心有点远,但是非常值得一去的地方。这里汇集了来自各个领域的艺术家、面包师和设计师。您可以挑选独一无二的古董、品尝地道的韩国烤肉或坐下来感受这里的氛围。虽然我们不能保证一定能找您需要的东西,但您会对市集上的商品感到好奇。 游览布鲁克林后,您可以选择在迪卡尔布市集用餐。这里是Instagram用户的天堂,这里汇集了许多当地人的最爱东西,千万别错过!该市场除了售卖来自世界各地的各种美味佳肴之外,还附有充满活力的氛围,这是一个尝试新事物的好地方。 逛市集是了解这座城市最好的方式,因为这里有很多别具一格的市集。摆脱了典型的商场之旅,市集提供了充满活力和氛围的体验,是真正的城市风味。无论您是闲逛、讨价还价、购物,还是品尝城中最好的食物,都不会感到无聊!除了感官享受之外,您还可以在这里购买各种稀奇古怪的商品。 使用 Go 旅城通票 畅游包或自选包畅游以上景点。如果您想了解更多资讯,请在 Instagram和面子书上与我们联系。
Hsing Wei Goh

峭石之巅观景台 vs 帝国大厦 - 两个来纽约必打卡的热门景点

So, what's the difference between the Top of the Rock and the Empire State Building?  Both are historically and culturally important buildings and offer some of the best skyline views New York City has to offer, but the two experiences can be very different.  Although the Empire State Building might be the most iconic building on the New York City skyline, keep in mind you don't have much of a view of it from the building itself (the same goes for Top of the Rock). We've put together a list of the key similarities and differences between the two attractions to help you decide which one best fits your New York itinerary, we're talking...  What's included with general admission  The different locations  The difference between the views  Top tips for visiting both  How to save on entry to both  Both observation decks feature educational exhibits and experiences included in the general admission price. Think modern displays and historical explanations, and of course, fantastic views. Here's a summary of what you can expect at each experience.  Empire State Building general admission includes:    Access to the Main Observation Deck, a 360-degree, open-air 86th-floor Observation Deck.  Admission to The Empire State Building Experience, including 12 interactive displays on the 2nd and 80th floors.  Access to a self-guided multimedia tour that helps identify the landmarks you can see in the skyline.  Please note: Access to the 102nd floor is not included with general admission tickets, other add-ons like express passes can also be bought for an extra charge.  Top of the Rock general admission includes:   Access to three floors of indoor and outdoor observation decks on the 67th, 69th, and 70th floors.  Sky shuttle elevator ride up to the top with a light show.  Admission to exhibits that feature Top of the Rock and Rockefeller Center history and the interactive Beam Walk, which simulates what it's like to walk on a construction beam 69 floors above Manhattan.  Comparing locations The biggest difference between the views from each building's observation deck is the view of the actual buildings themselves. If you're interested in the best views of the Empire State Building, head up to the Top of the Rock. If you want one of the best views of Rockefeller Plaza, get yourself to the top of the Empire State Building.  View from the Empire State Building  The observation deck in the Empire State Building is slightly higher than the Top of the Rock's deck, which stands at 1,050 feet above the ground. The building is located further south in Manhattan, so offers better views of the cluster of skyscrapers near the water in the Financial District. Landmarks you can see from the Empire State Building:  Rockefeller Plaza Center, Chrysler Building, One World Trade Center (closer views than at Top of the Rock), Central Park (further away views than from Top of the Rock), Times Square, Statue of Liberty (closer views than at Top of the Rock), the Brooklyn Bridge and more.  View from the Top of the Rock  Slightly lower than the Empire State Building observation deck, the deck at Top of the Rock is 800 feet above the ground. The building is located further north in Manhattan, so it offers better views of Central Park. Landmarks you can see from the Top of the Rock:  Empire State Building, Chrysler Building (partially obscured), One World Trade Center (further away than at the Empire State Building), Central Park (closer than from the Empire State Building), Bank of America Tower, Flatiron Building, and more.  Tips for visiting the Empire State Building and Top of the Rock  Empire State Building tips:    To beat the crowds, it's best to visit early in the morning or late in the evening.  Plan to spend 2-3 hours visiting the Empire State Building.  If you want to catch the sunset, plan to get to the top well before - the hour before sunset is excellent for pictures, too! (Leave extra time to wait in line, sunset is a popular time to visit.)  Kids under six can visit for free with an accompanying adult. Strollers are allowed, but you must be able to fold it before taking the elevator ride up.  Prepare for the security line and help speed up the process by making sure you don't have any prohibited items.  Dress for the weather and remember it's colder and windier up there.  Bring a camera to capture the best views.  Top of the Rock tips:    To avoid the largest crowds, plan to visit Top of the Rock early in the morning. Weekday visits tend to be less busy.  Plan to spend at least one hour visiting the Top of the Rock and take your time at the exhibits. Once you pass through, you can't return to the exhibits.  If you want to catch the sunset, plan to get to the top well before. Those golden hour pictures can come out even nicer than ones of the actual sunset!  Download the Top of the Rock app for a skyline guide that identifies the buildings you're looking at. It's also got audio tours you can listen to as well.  As with the Empire State Building, it's colder and windier at the top, so make sure to bring some spare layers.  Don't forget your camera, portable chargers, and binoculars to guarantee the best views and best pics. So, which New York observation deck should you choose? Both attractions are extremely popular and offer unique experiences. The main difference is genuinely the view. So if you can only fit in one, pick the view you'd prefer to see. If you want the most iconic picture of New York's skyline, go to Top of the Rock because then your pictures will have the Empire State Building in them.   But if you're more keen to tick the Empire State off your bucket list, you can capture stunning views featuring the water and Rockefeller Plaza instead. It'll be a winner, whichever you choose.  Can't choose? No need, see both with Go City® Now for the best bit, how to visit both observation decks without breaking the bank!  With a pass, you can save up to 50% on entry compared to buying individual admission tickets at each destination. Take a Hop-on, Hop-off bus tour or visit the American Museum of Natural History. Or, (if you haven't had your fill of stunning views yet) head up to the Edge or One World Observatory for even more thrilling city panoramas.  Discover our full line-up of New York attractions including landmarks, museums, tours, and more. 🤩 >> If you want to see and do as much as you can, our All-Inclusive Pass is for you.   😎 >> If you want to pick just a few attractions and visit at your own pace, our Explorer Pass is the perfect option. 
Isabel Schena



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