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Morning Macarons in Montmartre
Get picturesque Parisian views and try an iconic Parisian snack, the macaron at the Famous Moulin de la Galette Restaurant.
- Entdecke die Attraktion „Paris“ mit Go City®
Das erwartet dich
Enjoy Morning Macarons in Montmartre with Go City®
- With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
- Enjoy four macarons and a hot drink at Moulin de la galette.
- This sweet treat is available until midday.
Wander through the magical alleyways of Montmartre and you'll get breathtaking views of the city below before you go for an all French morning snack, on us.
This is truly a tantalising treat, with your pass you'll get four macarons and any hot drink of your choice from traditional Parisian bistro Moulin de la galette.
Macarons, a traditional French sweet have become a must-try part of any trip to the city and the mythical Montmartre is a must-see for lovers of charming cobbled streets and spell-binding views.
Montmartre and Macarons, two things ticked off the bucket-list before lunch? This really is the crème de la crème of Paris!
Wichtige Informationen
Passholders can claim this offer daily from 8AM - 12PM (midday).
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